Monday, August 19, 2013

Recent fun videos

Layla responding to Peju barking -

Playing, crawling & hiccupping -

1st time having fish -

1st time having french toast -

Pure talent =) -

Having fun & laughing it up with Mommy -

Mommy just couldn't resist!

Someone loves her Summer dresses

Such personality!

Mom, I don't think this hat fits me anymore 
My Mommy says my head looks ginormous here!  Does it?!?!
Who the heck are you?  And what are you looking at???...
...oh, that's me =)
This is a really sour raspberry!
I just LOVE the mall
What's up with these flower power pants?!
What, can't you tell I'm trying to sleep here?!
I just love these spinning fans
Mmmm, greek yogurt is my absolute fav
Just me & the boys...Declan & Owen
What, we're not doing anything wrong =)
Ahhh, a giraffe ate my head and is taking over my room!
I love my Mommy =)

Happy 43rd Week Birthday, Layla! Saturday, August 17th, 2013

Happy 42nd Week Birthday, Sweet Girl! Saturday, August 10th, 2013

So silly
My little baby is growing up way TOO fast!